Tell Me About Your Girlfriend. In English.

Today I had the morning free to study, and so I spent about three hours studying uninterrupted up in my classroom as the school went about it’s business all around me. Two hours of memorization, and one of grammar, and I left my classroom with a tired out brain.

I had just two classes today – both with first year students. No problems today – the students responded well to the lessons. They are getting close to the culture festival, and that means that they pay less attention in class – they are dreaming of being onstage in front of the crowds of other students who are waiting for their turn on stage.

Today I had a couple of the students in my class that I had bumped into at Ito Yokado on Saturday with Kuniko. They commented on what a beautiful girlfriend I have, and they did it all in English. I told them in Ito Yokado that we’re supposed to use English in the classroom, so they worked hard today to ask me all about Kuniko in English.

After school I went over some plans with Tsutsumi sensei about the end of the term – we have to arrange classes to make sure that everything ends up evenly. Most of the time it’s pretty complicated, but today it worked out pretty easily.

I went over to the yakitori for a quick bite and a beer tonight – not really for the food or the beer, but to touch base with the master. He was happy to see me, and we caught up. It was fun to sit there and chat with him and some of the guests, and I really should get over there more. It’s a great chance to use Japanese, without a safety net.

Tomorrow I’ve got just a couple of classes. I am going to do another solo class. Apparently I set a precedent and now teachers are bailing out of my class faster than you can say “50 minute break”.

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