
I was really tired out at school today. It was useless trying to memorize words today – I spent almost an hour memorizing twenty words, when I should have done about eighty in that time. The history teacher took advantage of my weakened state to come over and talk with me about Gregory Peck movies. I did have an actual class today, in the sixth period, and it went just fine. Mr. Yamamoto was just as tired as I was – he sat in the back of the class in front of the open window and enjoyed the cool air blowing in.

Today people were dealing with the latest school crisis – some students were caught smoking in the bathroom. Their homeroom teacher was getting ready to go to their house and talk with them at home, since they are all suspended. I’m not sure what goes on during these home visits, but I am sure that it’s unpleasant.

Some of my students came by my desk and tried to help me study Japanese. They are always impressed that I’m studying Japanese, but always disappointed that they can’t understand what I’m trying to say in Japanese. I was talking to two girls from the second year, and I was trying to explain that I got my electronic dictionary for free from Casio, in the hopes that students like them would see them and buy them for themselves. In a way it’s an investment by Casio. Anyway, all I got from the girls were blank stares, and so I had to give up.

Before I knew it the time was 5 p.m., so I went on down to the station and caught a train home. I walked through Ito Yokado without buying dinner, because Kuniko had left some goodies in my fridge for this week. Tonight I cooked up some hamburger patties that she made, and together with some rice and some hot sauce it turned out great.

Today the weather is cooler, and there’s a nice breeze blowing. It was steadily been getting hotter, though, and soon it’ll be air conditioner time. For now I’m taking advantage of the temperature and the wind to dry out my laundry in record time.

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