Today I had a short day at school, and I spent most of the day planning for tomorrow’s lessons. I had only two classes, and they both went just fine. The students are getting ready for the interview test that is coming next week, so I’m all full of dire warnings and urgings for them to study hard. They are pretty sleepy, though, so I’m not sure if it’s sinking in.
Since I had to work late yesterday, the vice principal mentioned that it would be no problem to sneak out early and we’d call it even. I did just that, and came home on a train full of my students. One guy was brave enough to sit next to me and talk with me in English. I was surprised how good his English was outside the classroom. He’ll be one to watch.
Almost as soon as I walked in the door I had an upset stomach. After an hour in bathroom, I abandoned my dinner plans of chili and cheese, and instead went over to Ito Yokado and bought some udon noodles. I made up some soup and just stayed near the bathroom reading a book.
A little later on the doorbell rang and I was surprised to see Kuniko there. She had read my message about being a little sick, so she came by with some groceries, offered to give me a massage, and took care of me for an hour or so. It was so nice to see her, but I felt bad that she came all the way out here on a school night.
Now she’s back at home, and I’m getting ready for bed. I’m not sleepy at all, so I might stay up a little longer reading, and then hit the hay. Tomorrow is a busy day, so I’ll need all my energy.