I was up really early Sunday morning to do a hike before it started getting hot. There were a surprising amount of older folks out walking around with me. They had full hiking gear, like they were going to climb Everest or something. I was just wearing shorts, a shirt, and hiking boots.
I traveled in a gigantic loop around southern Futami, and it ended up being a two hour hike. It felt great to get out there, and I stopped in and watched a couple minutes of a soccer game that was going on in the park south of town.
The rest of the morning I did chores, organizing the house, doing laundry, and studying.
I followed up a dinner out with friends on Saturday with dinner out with friends on Sunday. I went into Akashi in the evening and met up with Yuri, Tamura sensei (nickname: micchi), and Micchi’s boyfriend. Just a few minutes later Kuniko showed up, she was coming back from meeting friends in Umeda.
Together we all went to a yakitori near the station in Akashi. We sat around the table and ordered up lots of food and drink. It has been a long time since we all got together. Yuri had been to America and back, and so she had lots of omiyage for Kuniko and me. We related our story of our trip to America, and we just talked and talked for a long time.
After dinner we ordered up dessert and then went on home. I shared a train with Yuri on the way back and we talked about various foreigner issues that we’ve had in Japan.
At last I stumbled into my place, laid down to rub my sore shoulders, and the next thing I knew I woke up around 2 in the morning laying on the floor with all the lights on. I saw that Kuniko had left a couple of messages wondering if I got home safe, so I sent one back, but I felt guilty for leaving her hanging.
Anyway, it wasn’t long before I crashed out again – maybe it’s the heat but lately I’ve had a lot less energy than usual.