I got a chance to sleep in and relax this morning, and by the time that Kuniko showed up at 9:30 I was all showered and ready to relax. We decided on going out to Okubo for a little shopping. The highlight for me was driving back – Kuniko let me drive her car home from Okubo. It was a short drive, but it gave me a little bit of practice for later on when I get my license in Japan. Later that evening we went over to the yakitori to have dinner with the master. It had been a little while since I’d been to Denya, and it was actually fairly quiet. The master invited me to a post-wedding party thrown by one of the regular guys who is getting married next weekend. It sounded interesting – they are holding it in a karaoke box across from Carrefour, so there will be some sort of shopping game where we’ll have to go buy strange gifts across the street and bring them back.
Sunday we took a train into Sannomiya and did some more “Bargain” shopping. The phenomenon behind Bargain is really strange. Almost every store is selling things at 30-50% off, so lots of people go in to buy stuff that was full price last week. Kuniko’s shopping style is to look, look, look. She rarely buys, and when she does she looks several times, goes away and comes back, and is really careful thinking about whether she wants it or not.
We had lunch in Sannomiya – I had a roast beef sandwich, Kuniko had a ham and vegetable sandwich, and we split a salad. From there we made our way back to Futami, and had a quiet evening in over spaghetti and business English.
Tomorrow it’s back to work – I’ve got a really easy week, while my students struggle through their exams.