I’m spending my single weekend trying to keep cool and study in different ways. Today I got up early and went into Akashi to enjoy a walk through the Akashi park. I spent a few hours in the library when it got hot, and took advantage of their air conditioning.
The library had an area full of tables, with signs on each one that said they were not for studying. Since I was kind of studying and kind of reading at the same time, I was a little worried that someone would tell me to move along. The tables were full of people reading library books. Some old guys were there slumped over the table sleeping, too. I felt pretty sure that nobody would bug me if they’ve got people sleeping there.
After studying for a few hours I walked around the lake and got a frozen orange juice to work on. The side of the lake has benches here and there, so I sat and one and watched the paddleboats scooting around the lake. After about half an hour I started to hear thunder coming from the north, and the clouds in that direction looked kind of dark. I figured it was time to head back to the station for shelter.
On my way back I passed on old man on a bench singing some old Japanese tune – it was slow and a little creepy, and combined with the thunder rumbling to the north and sound of the cicadas in the bushes it gave me a really otherworld kind of feel.
Back in town I did some shopping for a few things, and couldn’t resist stopping in at Starbucks to have an iced frappucino and to study. I’ve heard that Starbucks in Japan are often used by foreigners to pick up clients or girlfriends, and I’ve seen foreigners in this particular Starbucks once or twice working on somebody. I kept to myself, though – enjoyed my drink and read more of my book.
I had chili shrimp for an early dinner, and then watched Jerry Macguire on my computer to make it a nice relaxed evening. Atsuji-san sent me a message and wants to hook up at the yakitori for a couple of drinks, so I’m headed that way pretty soon. I thought I’d get this entry in while I’m still sober.