32 Arms to Hold You

Today I got up to go to work, and I had to convince Kuniko to stay in bed and relax on her day off. I made up my own bento lunch, and then went off to work in the morning heat. I put in another solid study session in at school, avoiding the heat by cowering over my desk through the day.

When it was lunchtime I pulled out my bento, and some teachers that hadn’t seen me eating my own bento lunch got really excited. They asked who made it, and were shocked when I said that I did. I explained that Kuniko had been working all weekend, so the last thing I wanted her to do was get up in the morning to make me a lunch. Tanaka sensei (female) thought it was great, and she complained that her husband would never do that for her. Yamamoto sensei (male) said that was really nice but gave me a look that clearly conveyed that he thought I was a pussy.

Yamada sensei (female) came over and inspected my lunch closely, paying close attention to layout and distribution of the food groups, and finally gave it her grudging stamp of approval. I was surprised with all the attention, but I guess they’ll get used to it.

I left around two in the afternoon, and came home to find Kuniko studying hard. We decided to cook up the octopus that we had received from her parents last night. It was sitting in our freezer, and when we defrosted it we found that we had four little octopi ready to eat.

Once they warmed up we pulled them apart from their frozen embrace and boiled those suckers up. As Kuniko slowly dropped them in the boiling water tentacle first the arms would curl up in different directions. After boiling for a few minutes we took each one out, cooled them off, and then chopped off their arms and cut them into little pieces.

Once all the octopi pieces were in the fridge, we headed over to Carrefour to do some shopping. We got lots of little cheap stuff, and then came back to make dinner. We ended up having takoyaki, and also some octopus sashimi with a thick dark sauce and wasabi. Yum.

Tomorrow night Kuniko is going to a drinking party with her ex-coworkers from her previous school. I’m going to stay home tomorrow and drink some Guinness that we got on sale at Carrefour, and probably work on leftovers for dinner. Not a very wild Wednesday for me…

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