Today the history teacher was trying to convince me that most homes in Japan cost $20 million. Each. Including the land. Yeah right.
I figure he got some decimal places screwed up in the conversion, but there is no way. I ran it by Kuniko and she agreed – things are expensive here but not that expensive. The history teacher managed to rope in another teacher into the conversation, but as soon as the history teacher left Tanaka sensei gave me a look, like “Sorry he bugs you so much…”
Things are still pretty quiet at school – the vice-principal has been out sick the last two days and so teachers come in, assess the situation, and take off soon after. I’m sticking to my same old schedule, though.
Kuniko cancelled her party tonight, and so we had om-rice for dinner. Afterwards we did some last minute preparation for the big interview tomorrow. It’ll be interesting to see how it goes – I know that Kuniko will do well whatever happens, but we’re not sure what the format is, so that makes it tough to study for.
Well, I’m tired out from studying and I’m ready to hit the sack. I’ll just take a quick peek at a kanji book that Kuniko got me and then go to bed.