Sunday night Risa-chan and Anthony came over to see our place, tell us all about their wedding in Brunei and also, to eat tacos for the first time.
It was a good night. We had to pull some crazy tricks to get everything to fit in the refrigerator – ours is just too small for more than two people (or even one Japanese and one big American guy). We drank tequila, beer, and a sweet Muscat from Italy. The tacos turned out pretty nicely. I’m never sure how much heat the guests can take, so I err on the side of caution and offer plenty of hot sauces to add on top. We had Risa and Anthony spinning their own tortillas and making their own tacos, and I think it was a unique dining experience for them.
We exchanged presents, too. Anthony and Risa had brought back omiyage and other souvenirs from Brunei, and we gave them a couple of wedding presents, and a can of refried beans (Risa liked the beans). They went back to Akashi with a couple of armloads of loot.
By the end of the night Kuniko and I were both feeling pretty awake, so we put aside the dishes to wash tomorrow and watched National Treasure on DVD. It’s a great movie – clever, Disney family fun.