After I got to school today the rain came down like crazy. It looked nice enough when I left, but I was stuck at school with just my reserve umbrella.
There were a few more teachers at school today, but it was still pretty quiet. They’ll all be there tomorrow, and we’ve got a thrilling staff meeting in the morning. One of the part time teachers came in and said hello – she offered her congratulations on the paperwork wedding.
I went home around two o’clock, likely my last short day for a long time. I was dodging raindrops with my tiny umbrella, and I was able to get back to the station reasonably dry.
Tonight Kuniko was home a little late, so I tried to make California sushi rolls. I don’t think they turned out so hot. They were good, but they didn’t quite taste like California rolls to me. Maybe they needed more crab. Maybe less avocado. I don’t know. We’ll have to order them sometime in a restaurant for Research & Development purposes.
Tomorrow night I’m going out to okonomiyaki and beer with some of the teachers, and Kuniko is going out with one of her friends after work, so it’ll be quiet around here. I’m looking forward to the dinner – it’ll be good to hear the stories from the teachers about what they’ve been doing over the summer.