They Came Back

It was a weird day today – we had an abbreviated schedule right in between the practice for sports day yesterday and the real thing tomorrow. The students weren’t paying attention at all, just waiting around for the end of the day.

I had two classes today, and I did my best to rouse the students, but they just weren’t so interested. Most of my time otherwise was dedicated to studying.

One highlight was a visit from some of my ex-students. They were some of the girls from ESS during the first year I came to the school. They all were hard at work in college, and one of them, Haruna, was speaking really good English. They had heard that I got married, and so they wanted to hear all about it.

I cut out of there around 5 o’clock, and got home just a little while ago. Kuniko and I are going to try to conquer the leftovers in the fridge and make some space. This tiny refrigerator is a real challenge with two people, I’ll tell you that. It makes no sense to buy a new one now and then move it later – we’re going to have to try to hold out for a year. I know we can do it!

Tomorrow is sports day – I’ll do my best to take lots of pictures!

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