Mysterious Growth

I say good morning to a lot of people on my way to and from school. I’ve got a routine down, and most people along the way know when I’m coming and are ready to great me with a smile or a “good morning” right back to me.

Today as I was walking down the stairs to leave the station at Takasago a lady that I see everyday was walking up the stairs. As she looked up to say good morning her foot slipped right out of her show and she almost fell over. I stopped and checked to be sure she was OK, and she was – but her face was bright red with embarrassment. I’ve never seen anybody turn that red that fast. I’m not sure if she’ll be in a greeting mood tomorrow.

I had two classes about complaining today, and they went much, much better. One was with Ms. Miyake, and one was with Ms. Tsutsumi. The students seemed to enjoy the lesson a bit more, even though it’s a fairly difficult topic.

Speaking of Ms. Miyake, she gave me some homemade yam jam that she made over the weekend. I brought it home and had it on some bread with Kuniko and it was delicious. It had little bits of vanilla bean in there, too. Yum!

I helped Ms. Miyake with her English homework, and we talked about the upcoming wedding. She is more excited than I am about it, I think.

The history teacher got his tooth properly re-installed, and his grin is much toothier now. I managed to avoid him most of the day, and had to seek refuge in the nurse’s room a couple of times to dodge him.

I had the nurses look at a strange bump on the outside of my wrist. It feels like a lump of bone – it’s very hard and there is no matching lump on the other side. It only appears when I bend my wrist down. The nurses decided that it is probably swollen because of some kind of injury, and I need to give it a rest. They gave me a cold compress and some ice, but that didn’t seem to do anything. I’ll keep an eye on it over the next week or so.

I was lazy and didn’t cook Kuniko dinner tonight. Instead we went to a yakitori down the street – not the usual one because Tuesday is the night that Denya is closed. This place wasn’t as good as Denya, but the price was pretty good. Some of the food was really greasy, though – just what we were hoping to avoid.

After dinner we did a little bit of shopping at Ito Yokado, and now we’re back home. Tomorrow is a full day for both of us, but at least for me it only gets easier after tomorrow afternoon.

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