Kuniko and I got a chance to meet up with Komori sensei in Akashi Friday night. It has been a long time since we’ve seen him. He looked great, was full of energy, and we powered down the okonomiyaki and drank lots of beer.
He seems a little happier with his new school now, which is good news. Last time we talked he wasn’t so enthusiastic. His English is still great, but this time I used a little more Japanese than I normally do. He offered to play a song at our wedding reception on his ocarina. My only experience with an ocarina is playing Legend of Zelda, so it should be interesting. The wedding reception itself is shaping up to be quite a mix of different styles and activities. I’m not sure what to expect.
We didn’t stay out too late – we had dinner and then split off on our separate ways. Kuniko and I bought some donuts for tomorrow morning’s breakfast, since she will have to leave early to get to her school’s Sports Day.
Kuniko did check the website for the teacher’s exam today, and it turned out that she didn’t make the cut. They only hired 12 English teachers out of 200+ applicants, so it was pretty competitive. She doesn’t seem that disappointed, though, and I think that might be because she is pretty satisfied with her private school experiences lately.
I’ve got a day full of laundry planned tomorrow – hopefully it will be sunny enough to dry things out.