Despite what I previously wrote – we weren’t on the hook for a concert today. It turns out that the concert is in a couple of weeks. That left the whole day open for Kuniko and I to relax. We did even more laundry, slept a lot, and ate leftovers for lunch.
After lunch I went into Akashi using Kuniko’s commuter pass and did some shopping that I needed to do. I came back with a Robert B. Parker paperback that I’ve had my eye on for a long time. I spent most of the rest of the day lounging on the couch reading it.
We’ve been craving sushi, so we went out for sushi in the evening at Riki Maru. There was a fairly long wait – Sunday nights are big “eat out” nights around here. We ate all the sushi we could and left for under 2000 yen – that’s a great deal!
Now we’re back home and trying to get back into that work frame of mind. It was a huge thing to both have a day off on the same day – and I can tell it was a big help for Kuniko.