The weather continues to cool off, and we even had rain in the forecast. I was spared a wet walk to work, but once I got there, it started raining pretty hard.
I had one class in the morning, and I also did some lesson planning and some tutoring for Miyake sensei. She gave me a bottle of apple jam to go with the yam jam she gave us a week or so ago. We’re going to have to eat more bread in the near future.
In the afternoon I had just one more class, and it went smoothly. I memorized around 35 new words, and around 5 o’clock I was out the door and headed to the station. I sat with a bunch of my students, who were under the impression that I couldn’t understand Japanese. I usually have trouble, but I was able to track their conversation pretty easily.
Our school bans cell phones at school, but every student carries one in their bag, hidden away. The students were talking among themselves trying to figure out if it was safe to whip it out with me there. If I was a regular teacher, they would wait, but I’m occupying some sort of gray area, and they didn’t know for sure what to do.
I bought some raw fish for dinner tonight, tuna and a white fish. I’d tell you what the white fish was called, but I couldn’t read the label. Kuniko says it is called “kanpachi”. Helpful? I guess it’s a kind of yellowtail, which is what I was going for buying just on sight.
We had a bit of rice on the side, and Kuniko ate lots of natto as an appetizer. I still can’t eat the stuff, even the smell is too much for me.
After dinner we looked in Ito Yokado for a birthday gift for one of Kuniko’s exchange students. We struck out, though, so we came back here to watch a little TV and relax before bed. Last night Kuniko got in so late that we had time to eat, clean up, and then go right to bed. It’s nice to have a little time to relax tonight.