Loaded on Chu-Hi

Today I had just two classes, and an ESS meeting at the end of the day. The classes went smoothly enough, and the students were full of energy (surprisingly). The ESS meeting was supposed to be about planning a Halloween event, and eventually we got to that, but I had to sit through a lot of schoolgirl gossip before we could make any decisions.

It is interesting to hear about various teachers through my student’s eyes. Some teachers who I think are great come across as nerds to the students, and I’m surprised who they think is attractive. They are unerring in their accusations of which teachers are perverts – I guess it just shows through.

We did play an English game, involving listening skills and grabbing a pencil case before other members could grab it. The game went well, but for the most part the rest of the time was spent in Japanese. Crazy, giggly, teen-girl-Japanese. I was completely lost. I suspect that I’d be lost if it was high school girls in America. Is this what it’s like to get old?

After school I had a conversation with Tsuji-san across the street. We sat down and talked for about an hour, and at the end she gave me an early birthday present. Her sister in a fairly successful musician in Hiroshima, and she gave me her first CD to enjoy. I’m looking forward to checking it out.

I’m back home now – eating edamame beans and drink Chu-Hi. This Chu-Hi has been in the refrigerator for way too long, and we need all the space we can get in there. Kuniko sometimes drinks Chu-Hi, but she doesn’t like these particular flavors. I’m making the sacrifice. It’s an alcoholic beverage, but it’s nearly impossible to taste the alcohol. It’s just like drinking 7-Up.

Kuniko has a meeting after work, so it’ll be a late dinner tonight. We’re having a healthy dinner after last night’s Indian feast. I bought some bean sprouts (moyashi) and some tofu. I sizzle the sprouts up just before Kuniko walks in the door tonight and we’ll eat lots of veggies for dinner.

Tomorrow is Friday, and then it’s a three day weekend. I’m looking forward to relaxing and enjoying some time off.

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