I went to bed last night and just plain forgot to post about yesterday. Maybe because yesterday wasn’t such an exciting day. I only had one class to teach, and the rest of the day was doing legwork for all my classes today.
We had an after school staff meeting, and included in that was an announcement that we’ll be getting 30 computers in the staffroom, and they will be distributing them to teachers that don’t have computers. They spent 20 minutes telling people not to panic, don’t let your students use them alone, and don’t be afraid of new technology. It was almost comical.
Kuniko got home early, so we used the opportunity to sneak over to Befu and go to the DIK store, which had been renamed to a tamer “DAIKU”. Insert DIK joke here.
We got some planters, a hot water pot, and some planks for a construction project, and then came back home and had cream stew for dinner. Kuniko had made it up, and it turned out great. There are lots of leftovers, so we can enjoy it over the next night or so.
Now, it’s Wednesday morning, and I’m getting ready to head to work. Tonight we’ll be doing some more wedding planning here at home. Things are getting down to the wire!