
I’m tired out in front of the computer and it’s getting close to eleven o’clock. Kuniko is headed to bed and I’m not far behind. Today was a busy day, and there is a lot of stuff to write about, but I’m just exhausted right now and couldn’t begin to do it justice.

I made a speech in front of the teachers at the morning meeting in Japanese, had a couple of good classes, and then came home and had a private lesson with the three high school girls that Miyake sensei has sent to study with me once a month.

After that, Kuniko’s friend Jimi came over for dinner with her boyfriend, who turned out to be a kick in the pants. We split a bottle of red wine between us, and communicated as best we could while Kuniko and Jimi reminisced. He was lots of fun, and the more he drank, the more outrageous he got.

After a big dinner of kimchee nabe we walked over to Ito Yokado to do purikuras. We waved them goodbye, and then came on home. Now I’m sitting here trying to stay awake. This might be one of the nights where I’ll have to let the details slip away.

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