I woke up Saturday morning with a tweaked back. I don’t think there was any specific time when I did it, but it’s pretty painful. It feels like I just need to stretch it, so that’s what I’m trying to do. Bad timing. Getting old is a bitch, I guess.
First thing I had to do was community cleanup. I worked side by side with Yasu who had invited Kuniko and I over for breakfast after the cleanup job. We staked out a small corner and snipped branches for a while. Not a tough ordeal. I came back after cleanup, took a shower, grabbed Kuniko and went over to Yasu’s place.
They had a great big breakfast set up, and we ate like kings. Yasu had made French toast for us, and those were great. I think I had four pieces, and I still had my eye on the ones on the plate when we left. They are really nice people, and they will be going to both the wedding and the second party.
Kuniko had to go into work for a little while, and then afterwards she ran off to Osaka to pick up some things for the wedding. I spent the afternoon doing laundry and talking with my folks. They are getting close to coming to Japan – it’s just a matter of days now. They sounded really excited about it. It’ll be fun to see them at the airport in Osaka.
It was a pretty mellow day otherwise. We cleaned house and did some chores and laundry. Just getting ready for lots of busy times ahead.
I’ll work on getting my back back into shape, and we should be good to go for next week. I’m still not sure if and/or when I’ll be updating the site while my family is here. I have a feeling I’ll be busy showing them around. We’ll just see how it goes, but I’m guessing there won’t be daily updates for the next few weeks. A little more spotty, I guess – sorry!