Kuniko and I survived the weekend, and got a lot of work done. The house was a disaster, the laundry had piled up, and we both have a cold, so it felt like we were totally crappy homemakers.
I think we’re getting close to catching up. Over the weekend we had time to catch a movie, I converted the shower into a standard Japanese bathtub, and I took my first Japanese-style bath in my own home. It was nice – it really warms you up.
Today I went back to school, and things were just how I left them. The schedule today was light so I got some much-needed study time in. I delivered all my return gifts to people that had given me wedding money/gifts. Now that that’s off my back, I can get cracking on my school work.
Tonight Kuniko came home late after stopping in to see a doctor. After her lessons today she lost her voice, so I cooked her some hot and spicy dinner and then tucked her into bed.
In other news, I got tapped by the apartment complex mothers to play Santa Claus during the kid’s Xmas party in a couple of weeks. Kuniko and I were smirking about that for a while – that should be funny. I hope I can get some pictures. The apartment manager ladies came to my door and asked, and they were so excited when I said yes. I cannot wait to freak out some little kids.