Thoughts On Yakitori

We went to the yakitori last night expecting to meet Maeda sensei and Yamamoto sensei. When we got there the master nodded us towards the private room, and when I opened the door there were a whole bunch of teachers in there.

Ikeda sensei, Arauchi sensei, Oki sensei, the school nurse Yamamoto sensei, Fujimaru sensei, Sakano sensei – it was packed with people in there. We sat down and Kuniko gave me a look like “what the hell is going on here?” I felt the same way.

From what I had understood, Maeda sensei and Yamamoto sensei were coming to hang out with the Denya yakitori regulars, so when we found them locked up in a private room with a bunch of other teachers we were caught off guard. After a few minutes the Denya guys started to show up, but the Takasago Minami teachers weren’t moving – they stayed inside the private room and talked shop.

I went outside now and then and talked with the gang. They were really happy to see me and chat about the wedding and my family’s visit. They are really cool people. The atmosphere was so much lighter and positive than the teachers in the private room – even though the teachers were laughing and joking around, they were complaining, too.

One time Oki sensei was complaining about something and giving the part time worker – who I get along with really well – a hard time. Although I really like Maeda sensei and Yamamoto sensei, there is a reason that they were the only teachers I had invited to the wedding party. I found myself wanting to hang out with the yakitori regulars instead.

Finally it was starting to get late, so Kuniko and I said our goodbyes and left the private room. We left some money at the counter for our part of the bill and then said goodbye to the regulars. I felt bad for them – probably the only reason they had come was to chat with my teachers, and they were all holed up in the private room.

As we were leaving the school nurse gave a small bag to Kuniko, and it turned out to be some wedding money for us. The presents are still trickling in – it is amazing how the system works.

As soon as we walked out the door Kuniko and I compared notes. She was just as surprised as I, and we both felt bad about some of the teacher’s attitudes in there. When we got home Kuniko composed a nice message to the master to apologize for their behavior and to thank him for hosting them.

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