I’m wrapping up a week of half days because of the student exam period. I’m going in, having a cup of cocoa, heating up by the big kerosene heaters, and then studying for about four hours. Then I’m out the door and on to household chores and some relaxation at home. It’s nice to get a chance to catch up around the house.
Today I organized the photos that we got back from the wedding place. I put them into some sort of order and in the next few days we’ll go looking for an album or albums that can handle the capacity that we’re talking about.
Tonight Kuniko got home a little early so we went shopping together for some vegetables for a stir fry. Afterwards we walked over to make a reservation at Kentucky Fried Chicken for our Christmas eve dinner. There’s just two of us, so we only need four pieces of chicken to go along with the fondue that we’re going to do. Unfortunately they are only accepting reservations for these giant sets for big families, and so we’re left with the daunting task of waiting in line for fried chicken on Christmas eve. Crazy.
Strangely I’ve been really tired lately, so I might hit the sack early tonight. Kuniko is parked in the kotatsu watching TV, and we’re both looking forward to the weekend. Tomorrow is Friday – finally.