If I’m avoiding all television, newspapers, and web pages it must be because Survivor is wrapping up it’s season. Even in Japan I got nailed last year when I was checking the weather and inadvertently found out who won. I’m determined to avoid that fate this year. I’m downloading the episode now and have only opened a browser to write this entry.
Today it was cold and windy around Futami. The wind seems to be blowing even more this year, and it just pushes all that cold air in your face. Once I got to school everything was fine, though. My routine is pretty set, and so I made myself at home. Since I had no classes I did some revisions on the English language school brochure based on the vice principal’s input. I’m an old hand at doing that stuff from my time at Synapta making web pages according to the client’s wildest desires.
I also had time to go to the bank and do some shopping during the work day. I got some money from my account and then walked over to Seiyu to get some choice goods for Christmas.
Around 4:30 I left school and came home, and the wind was still blowing. I bought a couple of groceries for dinner (takoyaki), and also took a look at a new digital camera that I’ve been dreaming of. There’s a lot of electronics on our wishlist – all expensive things. I need a backup hard drive for all my files and pictures, so I had better get that first. We’re also looking for a DVD player that will play American DVDs on a regular TV, and eventually we want to get a new TV. The one we have now is about the size of a cat’s forehead.