New Students, New Friend At The Yakitori

Today I had a new set of students come over with Miyake sensei for an English conversation lesson. These are also students of hers, and they heard from the other students that it was fun, and so now I’ve got six different students dropping by once a month.

Again, it was very easy, and we introduced ourselves, and looked at wedding pictures. The students are second year high school students, so their level isn’t as high as the other ones. They were also a little more scared than the other ones, but in the end they did OK. The first lesson is just to get them a little more comfortable with me and the learning environment (my living room).

As usual Miyake sensei brought loads of omiyage, and we had some to give back to her, so that went smoothly. After they left I went down to the yakitori to catch some dinner, since Kuniko was stuck at school to attend a concert by her students.

The place was empty except for one other guy – he’s a regular but he’s in a different crowd than the other guys. We chatted a little bit and he seemed like a really nice guy. We spoke about 99% Japanese, but he’s interested in learning more English. As the yakitori got busy around us we chatted and watched TV and compared notes about different cultures.

We exchanged email addresses and then took off – the master was getting really busy and his part time help was late. By the time I got home Kuniko was just getting home. Perfect timing!

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