Psuedo Holidays

I went to school this morning as usual, came in and got some hot water boiling as usual, and sat down and started studying as usual. Nobody else showed up for another hour or so. Usually there is a fair amount of early morning traffic, but today it was like a tomb.

Today through Wednesday are not official holidays, so I need to go in to work. There are only a few other teachers there these days, everyone else has taken paid leave to stay home or go on vacation. I’m saving my vacation for another time, so I just go in and study for a few hours, and then leave after lunchtime. It’s only a few hours work and I get paid for the whole day.

Today Kuniko beat me home, which is a decidely rare event, and she cooked up a dinner surprise for me – osuzushi. Translated it means “pushed sushi”, and it was a layered sushi rice dish with egg, nori, and tuna laying between rice layers. It was really good, and as a bonus it was very healthy, too.

Tomorrow is another quiet day at work. Wednesday we’re going to have some people over for a nabe party in the evening, so I’m looking forward to that. I’ll try to take some pictures with my new camera and get them posted up here.

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