Last night I went to pick up Kuniko at the train station and walk her back home. She had a school party, and the whole staff was there to celebrate the new year. The party was at the Oriental Hotel in Kobe – arguably the nicest hotel in town.
It turned out that she came in first place in bingo. The first prize was a lucky plastic tree branch with some lucky charms hanging from it. It came from a shrine in Nishinomiya, and according to everyone it is very famous and they only sell them one day out of the year. The second prize was a voucher for a night in the hotel. I hope that we have a very lucky year. Actually we had a good laugh about it as we walked home. We’ve already spent a night at the Oriental on our wedding night – no need to go again so soon.
Once again I had no classes at school today. I stayed close to my desk where it was warm, and prepared for my first two classes tomorrow. Mr. Kimura came in today with his hair (what little remained of it) completely shaved off. It caused quite a stir, but I actually think it looks cool. He was wearing a leather jacket to stay warm and it was a good look for him. Mark my words, he’ll have a date by the end of the month. Mr. Kimura is a nerd’s nerd – he has five computers at home. Five computers isn’t crazy, but when there are only three people living at home, it seems like a lot. Anyway, he looks much cooler now – way to go, Mr. Kimura!
I’ve started looking at jobs in the area – which is a lot different than looking FOR jobs in the area. Nobody is going to hire me now with a start time in August, but I’m taking a look at the market to see if I can find something good. So far there’s not a whole lot, but we’ll see how things go as time goes on. I’ll put more time into it gradually. I’m looking at the lucky plastic branch and hoping that it works out for me.