The Sickness

On Tuesday I wasn’t feeling so great in the morning, but since I have two classes scheduled, I figured that I had better go in and teach them. Kuniko woke up early and made me a lunch to take with me to school, so at least I would have a great meal to look forward to.

Everybody at school was worried about me, and just about everyone that walked by asked if I was doing OK. I appreciated the concern, but it only made me wonder why I was at school at all. I got through both of my classes – unfortunately the last one was a sixth period class, so I couldn’t go home early.

I got home and managed to spill kerosene out on the back patio while filling the heater’s tank, and then an hour later I spilled lamp oil while filling the oil lamp inside the house. The whole place smelled like kerosene and I had to air out the house for about half an hour.

Kuniko got home late in the evening, so I ate earlier and saved her some dinner for when she arrived. She came home with a basket of fresh strawberries, and so we’ve got some fresh fruit for the next few days.

I’m going to bed early to get some rest and try to shake myself out of this cold…

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