Curry’s On

Today the history teacher had only one class, and that was my signal to make myself scarce throughout the day. I was preparing my classroom, working with the ESS students, and overall avoiding my desk most of the day.

As usual my classes were a lot of fun. I’m really going to miss teaching my students when I leave. I was talking to the ESS students and it suddenly dawned on them that I’ll be leaving this year. They were all disappointed, and it was nice to see that they cared.

I was teaching English to a lot of Japanese teachers today – Tanaka sensei and Yamada sensei were both asking me questions about how to say things in English. One thing that strikes me about the staff at my school – they are all interested in English. It’s an interesting trend that I’ve noticed. Even teachers that can’t speak it at all will ask me how to say a phrase in English now and then.

After school I visited Tsuji-san and talked with her for over an hour. She had big progress with her wedding – her fiancee came over and asked her parents again for permission to marry, and this time her father said yes. Now everyone is happy and they can get busy on planning the wedding and building a house. Tsuji-san will quit her job once she gets married because that is what her husband-to-be wants, and so she’ll be staying at home and studying English and Spanish all day.

I’m back home now and waiting on Kuniko. She’s getting home late tonight, so I’ve got curry all ready to serve when she gets here. Tomorrow she is going on the hike with her students, so she’ll be really tired for the weekend. Tomorrow is setsubun – the last day of winter, and the start of spring. There’s an interesting tradition of eating sushi facing a particular direction. I’ve got to figure out what direction it is the right one for tomorrow!

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