Birthday Party

So a while back Kuniko’s boss sent a letter home with Kuniko for me telling me about her secret plan to have me at the party tonight. We put the plan into action, and so I was headed to Kobe about 30 minutes after Kuniko left this afternoon.

I went to the Kitano Club, a really upscale restaurant near the House of Pacific in the Kitano section of Kobe. The staff received me, led me up to the bar where I could hide out. The party sponsors – the Rotary Club of Kobe – picked up my bar tab.

The Rotary Club is sponsoring Haley, an exchange student at Kuniko’s school. Since it was her birthday and Kuniko’s, they had a nice little party. Once they got the party started, the staff brought me downstairs and I appeared with a bouquet of flowers when they were singing to Kuniko. It was a great surprise!

Kuniko was totally shocked, and afterwards we had our picture taken with everyone. We wished Haley a happy birthday, and ate a ton of delicious food. The menu had prosciutto, roast beef, shrimp, all kinds of tasty things that I liked. People were treating us like royalty there, and the head of the Rotary turned out to be the owner of the restaurant. He seemed really happy to have me there to add to the international flavor of the evening.

Finally we hit the road, saying goodbye to everyone. One of the teachers was really curious about my brother’s upcoming visit. I think she wanted to set him up with a girl that she knows.

Now we’re back at home and getting ready to bed. The house is filled with flowers – I think we have four or five vases of flowers right now. Tomorrow it’s back to work, and back to reality!

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