Graduation Day

Today the third year students had their graduation ceremony. It was much like the last two years’ ceremonies, but I knew a lot more of the students this time around. I think that makes a big difference in the entertainment value. Also I can understand a little more now.

The ceremony ended in just about an hour’s time, and all the teachers ran back to the heaters in the staff room to warm up. It was very, very cold in the gym. I had learned from last time and brought a hot pack that I stuck to the back of my undershirt, so it kept me warm most of the time.

We had a free lunch today – a pretty good bento from a local restaurant. After that I wrapped up my studies and then walked around a little bit to congratulate the students.

Usually we have an ESS party, but this year there were only two ESS students graduating, and neither of them were very interested in ESS. I consulted with Hayashi sensei, and he said to skip the party this year.

So, I had lots of free time. Everywhere I went students wanted me to sign their yearbooks and to take pictures. After a while there was a line of students – I’ve haven’t posed for so many pictures since my wedding. I wrote English phrases in their yearbooks and encouraged them to relax, take vacation now and then, and don’t be afraid of change.

I was signing and being photographed into well into the afternoon, and finally I got some time to head back to the warm staff room. Some of the students would come in to get teachers to sign their books, and so I was still busy.

The students graduating are the first students I ever taught, and they had me around for almost their whole three years of high school. I was really happy to see that they weren’t shy about coming up to me and asking for a message, and asking in English.

A little later the vice principal sent out a message over the intercom. He gathered up all the teachers and told us that we all did a great job, and that if any teachers had any business to take care of they were welcome to get it done. That was code for “Run, run, head for the hills! You can go home early!” I waited a few polite minutes, and then headed for the door. I noticed that only one person left before me, but as I was leaving the school there were cars flying out of the driveway.

Tonight Kuniko is getting home late, so I’m on the hook for dinner tonight. I think we’re going to do okonomiyaki tonight. I bought some kimchee, pork, and we’ve got some fresh cabbage from the Kageyama farm to throw in there. Looking forward to it!

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