At school today I distributed my omiyage, and everyone was surprised that I had snuck off to Hokkaido over the weekend. Everyone was also excited about the omiyage – it was a big hit. I brought just the right amount to cover everyone.
The last exam of the year happened to be mine, so I was very busy marking after it ended. I got them done pretty quickly, though, and was able to leave by 2 o’clock. Before I left some of the teachers invited me out to dinner tomorrow night, so I’ll go out and give Kuniko a “Bryan Night Off”. Should be fun!
Kuniko also got home early – it was a very unusual. We had a light dinner of okonomiyaki, and then scarfed down some Hokkaido desserts. Everything tastes great, except for one particular souvenir that we bought.
We bought some Hokkaido cheese – some flavored cheeses. There are three flavors – Smoked Salmon, which is OK, Nori (seaweed), which is not so great, and Shrimp, which is flat out awful. It is so awful that we wouldn’t give it away to anyone – we’d feel too bad. Originally we were going to have cheese and crackers tonight for dinner, but since the cheese turned out to be nasty, we settled on okonomiyaki.
Tomorrow we start an abbreviated schedule of classes for about a week and a half. I have only one class during that span, so I have to think up something to keep some students busy on Wednesday. Kuniko suggested a movie – I’ll see if that will fly with Kobayashi sensei.