With no pesky classes to get in the way I was one productive assistant teacher at work today. Most of the day I studied, but I still had time to walk around and chat with students and teachers.
In the late afternoon I had a really good conversation with the vice principal. We found ourselves almost alone in the staffroom since everyone else was stuck in meetings, so we tried to solve the world’s problems. It was fun taking to him – he’s got a pretty good outlook on how the world is going these days.
After talking for about 15 minutes I could tell he was getting tired. He thanked me for the conversation, and then gave me the secret signal that means I can leave early. I followed his instructions and got out of there about an hour early. Nice.
Tonight Kuniko and I are going out to catch a late movie, and then I’ve got to be up early for community clean up tomorrow. Kuniko has to work, but we should have some fun on Sunday and Monday to write about…