The Power Of Garlic

I was in to work at the usual time, but everyone else came in late. I had lots of time alone in the staffroom studying and drinking hot tea. Finally a couple of teachers started to trickle in. Most of the other teachers didn’t come in today – they were working late the night before marking exams.

That left me with nothing really to do. I spent time chatting with Ageshi sensei hassling him about his junk food diet, and I did a little desktop publishing for the history teacher, who was having trouble with a document that he was trying to print.

I was out the door around 2 o’clock, a nice early day. The weather was blowing hard – heavy wind and rain. It wasn’t quite a typhoon, but definitely stronger than anything else this year.

When I got home I straightened up a little bit and then soon afterwards my students came over for an English conversation lesson. There was a new student there for a one time visit. Her name is Kumiko, just one letter away from my wife’s name. Easy to remember. Her English is good and she spoke with confidence. I could tell that some of the other students were not so thrilled that she was around. It really shook up the balance of the group.

Once they left I cooked up some teriyaki chicken donburi (with an extra helping of garlic) and when Kuniko arrived she said that she could smell it from outside our door.

Friday I have a day off, but Kuniko has to go in for her graduation ceremony. I’d expect that she’ll be home early, so we might have some free time together Friday afternoon!

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