Kuniko and I are enjoying a nice easy weekend. Saturday we slept in and did a whole lot of nothing all day. I kept up with my vocab work, and we did a little bit of laundry. On the whole, not a lot to write about.
We did watch one of my favorite TV programs, 女王ã®æ•™å®¤, which means “The Queen’s Classroom” literally – I’m sure that it has another subtle meaning. The show on Saturday was a prequel to the original series which I watch occasionally with Kuniko on Saturday nights. I am able to understand about half of what is said – it’s pretty tough to catch everything and sometimes I have to ask Kuniko about some plot point that maybe I didn’t get.
It was very entertaining, though, and after that was over Kuniko and I stayed up late reading and finally went to bed after 1 a.m.
Today we slept in a gain and did lots of laundry, and then got the house cleaned up for Tomo-chan’s lunchtime visit. We made up tacos, and ate a nice big lunch. It was good to see Tomo-chan – I hadn’t seen her since our wedding. She seemed really happy and to be enjoying her married life. We talked in a mixture of English and Japanese, since her English is so good. It was really fun to chat with her and practice my broken Japanese.

She seemed to enjoy the tacos and guacamole, and it turns out that she is a daily reader of this journal, so she knew all about my experiences with Homo Sausages.
We gave her a packet of taco seasonings to take home – so maybe she can make tacos for her husband sometime. She had brought some desserts for us, and there were lots of really delicious looking cakes, and a cherry blossom cake that was really good. Lately I’ve been going crazy over the cherry blossom stuff.
After we walked her to the station we cleaned up the kitchen a little bit, and now we’re going to spend a quiet evening catching up with studying and maybe watching some TV. I think we might be able to skip dinner – it was a very big lunch.
Tomorrow it’s back to school for both of us, but there’s not much on the schedule – I think we just have a closing ceremony. Kuniko is doing a drinking party after school with her teacher’s group, and I am going to meet up with Atsushi-san at Denya for some drinks and conversation.