Three days in Japan

Guest Blogger on the Scene!

After a couple days we are finally taking the time to update the web site. It has been a lazy day today, Bryan and I went over to visit his school. Most of the students are away on spring break, but we met a few and a lot of his fellow teachers and office staff at the school. Everyone was very interested in me and what I thought of Japan. After that we had a tasty lunch in town at a coffee shop, then walked around the Sun Mall there. We decided to head over to Akashi after that, where we spent a long time in Toys R Us indulging me in my love of toys. I managed to get out of the store only spending 300 yen. We also spent some time in Tower Records where Bryan picked up a cd for Kuniko. After that it had started raining, so we headed to the train station post-haste to get back to Futami. Now we are relaxing for a while before heading to a hard night of enjoyment at the local yakitori.

Yesterday was Kobe, and a very busy day. We spent most of the day browsing through different shopping areas. A storm forced everyone indoors in the early afternoon making for a very hectic trip. Kuniko got a massage while we were in town, so Bryan and I did our part by hoisting a couple in a nice bar downtown. I’ve got my eye on a few items in some of the shops there, so the next time we get to Kobe I will probably be picking some more things up. We also had some awesome sushi for lunch, huge pieces of fish on top of a very small amount of rice. Very tasty!

That is the update for now! Tomorrow we are meeting Antoine and his parents who are visiting in Osaka, and we will be heading to Nara for the sights. We haven’t transfered any pictures yet, but that will be coming soon!

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