Dinner At The Kageyama’s

We went over Sunday night to have dinner at the Kageyama’s place. This was Mark’s big chance to meet them, and try some home-cooked Japanese food. We ended up having sukiyaki, and it was really good. Mr. Kageyama filled us with beer and sho-chu and keep the stories coming about the area and I did my best to translate them for Mark. Kuniko took over now and then to give me a break – it was hard work.

As usual they sent us home with loads of gifts, and Mark presented them with some gifts, and some stuff from America from my parents. During the evening we arranged to have a tour of a sake brewery on Tuesday from Mr. Kageyama. There might be some other stuff, too – I’m not sure what will happen. Kind of like a mystery tour or something.

Kuniko looked exhausted, so we decided to head out a little early. We got home around ten, and Kuniko spent two hours sewing some bags up in the dining room/kitchen, so she was completely wiped out by the time we went to bed.

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