Today I had just one class – during fifth period. It was with some new first year students, but because of a hearing and eye exam they had to take, the class was slightly abbreviated. I taught the class with Yamamoto sensei. It has been four years since the last time he did a team teaching first year class. He was a little nervous, but he did just fine.
The students were pretty quiet – only two or three of them showed some signs of personality. I think they were a little intimidated with the format at first.
After the class I talked with Yamamoto sensei and made arrangements to go home a little early, since I didn’t have any more classes in the afternoon. He said no problem, so I was out the door. I picked up some sakura mochi on the way home, along with some ingredients for a healthy dinner. While I was waiting for Kuniko I worked on getting MP3 files into my new phone, and I had to find some ways to bypass all the digital rights management software they have in there. Finally I managed to get one going, so that was very good news.
Kuniko got home late, late, late – so we ate big when she got here. We had miso soup, tofu, sauteed bean sprouts, and then the sakura mochi for dessert. Tasty. We just got back from returning the DVD we rented the other day, and now we’re headed for bed.