Poker, Los Angeles, Puking Boy, First Contact

It’s been a busy couple of days. Victor and Rico came over to play some ping pong and poker, drink some beers, and have dinner. It was great to see them, and we had a good time hitting the ball around, despite the heat. My dad jumped in so we had four poker players, and taught us quite a few new games. Note the look of confusion on our faces while we try to comprehend “Firehouse Burn Two”.

The next day, my dad and I jumped in the van and drove south to attend my Pre-Departure Orientation in Los Angeles. Rather than stay in a hotel, my parents have some old friends that live in Torrance, about 30 minutes away from where the orientation was being held.

We drove down with the air conditioning going the whole way – about seven straight hours. Just before we got into Torrance, the air conditioner gave up the ghost, so we were driving through the last bit of traffic with the windows down, sucking down that premium Los Angeles smog. We stayed at our friend’s the Ruggiero’s, and we took Gary out for some great Mexican food in Torrance. Afterwards, we drove down to the Redondo Pier. It was only a short drive from Torrance, and it was very nice. There were a ton of restaurants along the pier, and it seemed that several catered almost exclusively to Asian customers. While we were in line to buy coffee, a young kid emptied his stomach on the pavement, and was having a rough go of it getting his system clear. It really capped off a great day in L.A. I forgot my camera in the car – and missed a perfect Kodak moment. 🙁

The next day I drove down to the New Otani hotel in Little Tokyo to attend my orientation. Overall, it went pretty well, but by the end of it, I was ready to get out of my suit and hit the road. We drove through the valley that night through 100+ degrees of heat with all the windows down, and we survived nicely. When we arrived home a little after midnight, it turned out that my mom had gotten a phone call from my “Master Teacher” in Japan. It turns out that they got my information, and I finally know where I’m going. My mom was pretty excited to talk to someone from Japan, and it really helped bring the whole thing home (literally). You can read more about my orientation here, and more about where I’m going to be living and teaching here. Just about a month away, and it’s all starting to seem more real. I’m in touch with my predecessor via e-mail, and things are starting to roll.


I sit here digesting an excellent meal from Gramma’s Pizza in Sonoma. My mom had a coupon for a free meal on her birthday, so my dad and I joined her, and we had a great dining experience. We had ordered a bottle of wine with dinner, and when we finished it, we were switching to the water on the table. The waiter had an open bottle of the wine that we had just finished, and just kept on pouring. Best of all, it wasn’t on the bill. After dessert, he suggested some port to help digest a big meal. He assured us that it was a critical step in a successful digestive experience. My dad and I took him up on a glass of port each. Our waiter opened a new bottle, poured two heavy glasses of port, and that didn’t show up on the bill either! The waiter was full of energy, and was working hard to make sure that everything was perfect. It was refreshing to get great service.

In the morning George Degliantoni (my woodshop teacher from junior high) came over and all together we split two cords of wood. We worked until 1 p.m., just when it hit around 95 degrees. After that we changed the cables that run from the spark plugs to the alternator on my dad’s car, and then relaxed a little bit before going out to dinner. Now I type this out pleasantly full, and my port-assisted digestion is going along just fine.


Today went pretty well – ran lots of errands with my dad and we were able to take my grandma out to lunch at Denny’s. We did a little grocery shopping, and even did some tune-up work on the car. I was planning on driving my Honda to L.A., but since I sold it, we’re going to take one of my parents’ cars. You should have seen me out in the garage pulling out spark plugs. I even put some new ones back in.

Done Deal Part One

The car is sold! I took part of the payment in exchange for the car, and when I get the title, I’ll sign it over to him and get the rest of the payment. It’s hard to describe the feeling of someone else driving away your car. This one was special, since it was the first (and only) new car I have purchased. I see this as a good way to prepare for living in Japan. I’m going to have to give up a lot of creature comforts, and learn to adapt in unusual situations. So “farewell” to a great car, and “hello” public transportation.

Groping In The Dark

The smog test is over, and my car passed with an “A”. Tonight at 7 o’clock the guy is coming over to do the final stuff to sell the car.

Sara mentioned going to the Tactile Dome at the Exploratorium in San Francisco the day she flies in. I’m pretty excited about going – it’s been a long time since I’ve been and it should be a lot of fun.

Going… going…

Turns out the car guy was serious, and I think I might be selling my car this week. I’m taking the car in to a mechanic to make sure that everything is sound, and if that goes well, I’ll be paying off the car, getting the title, and transferring ownership. I’ll be sad to see the car go, but in a way, it’s a reminder of a different lifestyle and personal philosophy that I have left behind.

Harry Potter 5 was excellent. I finished it this morning, and I’m ready to read the next one. The book was pretty long, and I’m not sure that it was necessary for it to be that long, but I’m not reading it because it’s necessary. I read it for the escapism and to find out how things shake out. Good stuff! Teeth are still a little sore, but I think the pain might be starting to fade.

Waiting On The Man…

I’m waiting around for a guy to come look at my car. He hasn’t even seen it yet, but over the last 18 hours he’s called me six times, and he’s already haggling the price. I considered calling some neighbors over here when he arrives for added security, in case he just got out of an institution or something. He just called to tell me he’s caught in traffic and he’ll be another 30 minutes or so. I’d love to go out and pick up the new Harry Potter book, but until this dude makes an appearance, I’m just sitting around.

All the numbness has left my mouth, and I can move the right side of my face. Drool is much easier to keep in my mouth now. Unfortunately, I’ve got a headache and some soreness. Still, could be worse. Just one more drilling session and I’ll be ready to eat jawbreakers and Sugar Daddies again.

Facial Paralysis – Part One

This morning I got a phone call from the dentist – they had a cancellation and were wondering if I wanted to get on with the drilling. I cancelled my Japanese practice and went in. I figure, might as well get it over with. I had two cavities filled, and it went really well. It’s a pretty simple thing, and it was fun to listen to the dentist and assistant talk about the tools they use and the lingo they throw around. So now I’m in front of the computer typing with drool running down the side of my face – the difference today is that I have a medical reason for it.

In the front yard today a doe and fawn were hanging out, relaxing and staring at me through the window. I snapped a couple of pictures, but when I let Maggie and Sadie out to investigate, they took off.

I’m off to figure out what I can eat tonight that won’t slide out of the paralyzed side of my mouth.

Pain and Pleasure

At 8:30 a.m. I visited the dentist for the first time in almost five years. The results: 3 cavities. I guess I’m going to pay the price for waiting so long. The dentist knows that I’m leaving the country next month, and she’s going to try to juggle people around to make time. She’s been my dentist since I was a little kid, and so some of that small-town magic is working in my favor. If you call getting your teeth drilled magic. Because it has been so long since I’ve been to the dentist, I got to experience the SonicBlaster(TM) that creates intense pain at high frequencies. The best part is the chance to gargle a combination of cold water, plaque and blood while trying to breath. So why did I wait so long to do this?


After the dentist I ran out to Annadel State Park near Santa Rosa. I hiked about 7 miles around the park, went out to a lake in the center of the park, and then took the long way back. Park of the trail passed over a huge field of obsidian chips. I have never seen so much in one place. I also saw plenty of squirrels, lizards, four wild turkeys and several red-tailed hawks. It was great to get hiking again. Other than my trek across the Golden Gate, I haven’t been able to get out much lately.


I’m playing an old PC game called “Neuromancer”, based on the book by Willam Gibson. It’s surprisingly good, despite some dated graphics. If you dig around on the net you can pick up for free. Highly recommended!


I’m getting macked on by mosquitoes here in Glen Ellen. Just thought you should know.

Back In The Bay Area

Today I had a busy one driving around. I started by hiking across the Golden Gate Bridge, which is something I’ve never done.

The day was pretty nice, and I was lucky to avoid the fog. I also was able to visit some of my old haunts in San Jose – The Shark Tank, my old apartments, Vasona Lake, and Los Gatos Brewing Company. I’ve been driving around a lot lately, so I’m looking forward to the chance to do a little relaxation. Tomorrow I’m sending my parents off to Texas for a long weekend. They are travelling with Nancy and Lynn to visit my mom’s cousin, and catch up on old times.


Hey cool, my mom is watching me write this!

She’s Done

I’m back from my whirlwind trip to Redlands to visit my friend Renee. It was damn hot down there… I’m already getting used to the clouds and fog during the mornings in Sonoma. It was great to see Renee and meet some of her family. After graduating with her master’s degree, she is hitting the road to see some national parks (Bryce, Zion, Arches) and finally end up in Colorado to stay with some friends. What a cool way to celebrate. I tried to figure out a way to go along with her, but I have to attend my JET Orientation in L.A. on the 28th.

The trip was a lot of driving – 16 hours out of 48, but I did get a full night’s sleep and some great food.

York, Oxford and Back Home

We woke up early to head back into York. We took the bus into town, and got off at Picadilly Street like yesterday. We walked from there to the Jorvik Viking Center. It is actually the site of a Viking excavation, and they had a tour through a recreation and part of the excavation. The tour was just a big diorama. The new thing was that they had some smells of the time (which were pretty nasty). The dioramas were pretty cheesy – seemed kind of low budget. The coolest stuff was the exhibitions at the end – actual artifacts from the dig. There was a recovered skeleton that had all kinds of damage, and they even had a guestimate on how the skelton got damaged.

From there we went to the wall outside the city and walked around town. The view was pretty impressive. We took the bus back to our car, and then drove south towards London. We made a couple of pit stops and then pulled into Oxford and our next B&B. The B&B was right outside Oxford on a sheep ranch, with pretty nice rooms. We ate dinner at a local pub, and then went back to the B&B to sleep.

The next day we packed up our stuff and drove into town to return the car and catch a flight back home.