
Blogging Applied Linguistics

This course explores the value and uses of distributed and online learning as a possible response to the delivery challenges of the emerging educational environment. From this historical platform, participants then consider the make-up of the online and distributed environment, looking at the roles and responsibilities of the various stakeholders who support and utilise this technology-enhanced approach to learning. Participants will clarify and understand the role that technology may or may not play in the support of effective learning and will be expected to take a critical look at online and electronic environments, developing criteria and skills for evaluating such learning environments. The skill and ability of the online facilitator is important to the success or otherwise of online and distributed learning environments. Learners will look at what makes for successful facilitation of online environments and explore strategies for engaging learners through the electronic medium. Making our learning environments flexible and attractive is a popular aspiration of many current teachers and providers. However, the challenges in terms of articulating flexible and responsive assessments are an elusive and challenging consideration. This learning package will take this challenge into discussion and collaborative analysis. In collaboration with its participants, this course is about constructing knowledge, skills and attitudes that will support professional activities in building, managing and assessing online and distributed learning environments.


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