Books: Vengeance is Mine by Marie NDiaye

This book was translated from French, so I’m not sure how much of the weird vibe I got was from the translation and how much was from the descriptions of a person losing their mind.

The book starts off normally enough, but slowly becomes confusing. Is this the narrator losing touch with reality? A conspiracy happening behind the scenes? Are even the narrator’s elderly parents in on it?

Written well this could be a very nice setup and lead satisfyingly to a twist or resolution. This to me had neither, yet I was still turning the pages eagerly waiting to see what was next.

One added bonus was the delicious-sounding foods that are described within the pages – the French are pretty serious about their cuisine.

Even after finishing the book I’m still not entirely certain what really happened. I believe that vengeance was had but I’m not really clear by whom. Who could I really believe?

Next I am reading Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo.

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