Books: Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo

I really enjoyed this book – it was a new take on the “chosen one” hero’s journey – with some great writing and an interesting main character.

While it wasn’t perfect, for the most part I was turning pages to see what was going to happen next. The book is not what I would categorize as “young adult” fiction, but I think the group that would really enjoy this story the most would be younger women looking to break out of whatever limitations have been imposed on them.

My biggest criticism with this story is that the uniqueness of the setting and locations are sort of taken for granted and rushed through. I think slowly lifting the curtain on these strange and secretive societies would build up the tension and suspense. Instead things are introduced in a rudimentary and dismissive way. “Oh, and this group can talk to the dead. Let’s go have lunch!”

But for the most part this stuff is forgivable and there is a pretty good mystery at the heart of the story that doesn’t get overwhelmed by all the magic and ghosts.

I also liked the gritty writing – it feels more real and dangerous (some of the violence done to the main character was a little over the top, however) and not innocent or saccharine.

Next I am reading An Old Man’s Game by Andy Weinberger.

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