Go East Young Man

Saturday night Kuniko and I went over to visit Kuniko’s folks. We wanted to deliver some flowers in advance of Mother’s Day on Sunday. We’re going to be a little busy on Sunday, so we wanted to say hello. They were a little surprised that we were there – Kuniko had left a message but they didn’t get it.

We had some coffee and gave them flowers and chatted for a while. Kuniko and I were both tired, so we headed back home early.

This morning we slept in, and I think we might have slept right through the community clean up hour. Usually it is on Saturday, but because of the rain they must have postponed it until today. Oops.

In the morning I got a phone call from a guy that wants to hire me to work at his brand new conversation school that is opening in Kobe. I applied for the job a while back, but the more I find out about it, the more I get nervous. The guy was nice to talk to, though, and I felt a little better about the situation after talking with him. If they hire me I will be the most experienced teacher there – that’s a scary thought. The guy mentioned that one of the reasons he is moving back to Japan (he’s a Japanese American) is that a fortune teller in Takasago told him that it was the right thing to do. Red flag!

We’re going to head into Akashi to look at a few places to live soon, and then in the evening Kuniko is going to a second party for a friend’s wedding. I’ll be flying solo tonight and I’m seriously considering a big bowl of ramen for dinner….

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