I’m catching up after a few busy days. Thursday went pretty smoothly, but Friday I went out after work with Antoine, and we both ended up drinking a little too much. We hopped from place to place – we played pool, had hamburgers at Star Child (I had a chili cheese burger. Wow!), the Lock Up, and finally ended at the Belgian Beer place which is a new thing for us – usually we begin there.
I think we had just ordered up a sho-chu and a whiskey, and soon after that Kuniko called and she came over. She was just the wakeup call we needed, and we wrapped things up and headed home. It was late, and we caught the second to last train of the day, so we pulled in at home after one in the morning.
I got up this morning early with Kuniko since she had to go in and teach a couple of classes. I had a bit of a hangover, but nothing too bad. I hope Antoine is feeling OK, too. We’ll have to wait a long time before we do that again.