It was a very quiet day at work today. I had just one class in the morning, and it went very smoothly. After that I was free. I just ran around town doing errands, ate a big lunch, and tried to look busy. Gradually I’m transferring my Japanese textbooks into my bag and out the door, with the goal of having a clear desk in the next few days.
I accepted the position that I was offered in Nishinomiya, and I heard back from them and they confirmed it, so it’s all good until the contract is signed. I might be busy taking care of paperwork for the new company in the upcoming weeks, on top of all the other stuff I am trying to get down ahead of the big change.
Bad news for the next ALT – it looks like she’ll be stuck with a single apartment, instead of the big one that we’ve got here. The single apartments are pretty small, I hear, although I’ve never been in one. It’s not 100% for sure yet, but it does look pretty grim. That’s also tough for me. The stuff I wanted to leave for the next ALT might not all fit in her new place. That means I might have to hold onto it or get rid of it. Yuck!
I’m sweating it out at home now – it’s another very hot day. We’ve got tons of potatoes to get rid of, so I’m heating up the house even more by making au gratin potatoes. It’s my first time, but with lots of cheese and a little bit of butter, how can I go wrong? We’ll see…