We’re in the middle of a long weekend here. Kuniko is taking the weekend off, and so we’re working on getting everything organized for the move. It is hard work, and even tougher in the heat and humidity. We work for short bursts between breaks.
Not only are we packing, but we’re also throwing out lots of crap. I had planned on giving some of the crap to my successor, since I received the crap from my predecessor and it seems like some sort of tradition. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to do that since she’ll be moving into a different place. And then I’m moving crap into a new place and it looks like what it is – crap. If she arrives and the crap is already in place in her new home, it just seems like part of the scenery and it is not so crap-like.
Anyway, we’ve done a little bit of shopping in between packing sessions, and that has been a welcome break. We can go out there and enjoy some air conditioning, and get a change of scenery. We were in Okubo and we bumped into four different people that I know while walking around the mall. That’s pretty impressive for me – I didn’t know I had so many friends. One of the people we bumped into was Yamashita-san and his wife – they are the couple who had the second party that we attended in a karaoke box.
We decided to meet up, so on Monday night we’ll go to Denya and hang out with the gang. I’m looking forward to it.
Lots of little details going on behind the scenes related to the move, and there will be a week or so where I won’t have internet, so if I drop off the radar, that’s what’s going on. The move isn’t until the end of this week, though, so I’ve got a little time left. I’m also going into Osaka on Wednesday to sign my contract for the new job. Antoine signed his contract this past Friday, and so from September he will be teaching elementary school kids. That should be interesting for him – he’s going the get I workout, I’ll bet. The hours are nice for him, though – Mon-Fri 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. or so. Seems like a nice gig, I hope it works out for him.
I’m sweating up a storm sitting in front of the hot computer, so I’ll log out and go chomp on some ice to keep cool. More later!