Home Alone

Kuniko was up early and gone this morning. I woke up with her and made some quick breakfast, tried to help out wherever I could, and said goodbye at the door. She looked really tired, and a little frustrated with having so little time for herself.

Meanwhile, I’m playing the stay-at-home-husband today. I did some laundry early and hung it out to dry, and I’ll do a little bit of shopping across the street at Jusco later on.

Speaking of Jusco – this place has an interesting feel to it. I haven’t spent much time in the midwest, but this place looks to me like a tiny supermarket that you’d find in North Dakota somewhere. It’s shaped like a big igloo or quonset hut, and you can just imagine walking there in the snow, kicking the snow off your boots, and then going inside to buy groceries for the family back home. Except they probably don’t sell boiled octopus in North Dakota supermarkets. Maybe, who knows?

I really like the feel of the place, and since it is right across the street and it’s open until midnight, we’ll be regulars there just like we were at Ito Yokado. So far the people have been nice and friendly, and only once was I accosted by a drunk old lady trying to get me to buy eggs because they were only 99 yen a box.

Anyway, Jusco (pronounced JAS-CO) will figure prominently in my daily writings from now on – I’ll try to take a picture of it next time I’m walking by.

Today I’m going to the bank to buy some Euros for our trip, and I was considering a run to Carrefour because in the back of my mind I thought that they sometimes had large shoe sizes there. I don’t know if it’s worth a trip or not, though.

I got a new kanji program for the Nintendo DS, so I’ve been playing a little bit. The bad news is that they assume that you are Japanese and have already studied kanji at least through elementary school. That makes it a little challenging. The good news is that they test everything, and they do it in a fun way, and already my kanji writing skills have improved. I’m hoping if I stick with it I will improve steadily. It’s embarrassing how bad my writing is.

Well, more later. For now I’m off to clean house and do a little bit of studying.

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