No Shoes

The last couple of days have had me traveling around a little bit looking for shoes that fit. My idea was that I could get a new pair of hiking shoes for the upcoming trip – we’ll be walking quite a bit and I want to make sure that my shoes are up to it.

To make a long story short, I confirmed what I already knew – nothing in my size is out there. I did find some shoes in a US size 11, but I really wear a 12 or 13, and I don’t want to squeeze my feet like that. It’s time for another overseas trip for shoes.

While I was running around yesterday I bought some Euros at my bank in preparation for the trip. What strange looking money – just as colorful and almost the same size as Monopoly money. That’ll take some getting used to.

I did find one good thing yesterday – ravioli. It was on a shelf in an import food store in Kobe, and so I took it home and cooked it up for Kuniko for dinner when she came home. She got home at a reasonable hour, and she also had time to get her hair done on the way home. It looks really good – you’ll see it once I post the vacation pictures when we get back.

Today I’m going to go back to Takasago Minami to meet up with some English teachers and then take a trip to Yashiro to meet the new ALT. I remember clearly getting off the bus in Yashiro three years ago with Antoine beside me cracking jokes. The sound of cicadas was really loud, and I remember wondering what that horrible screeching noise was. Then they lined us up like we were being picked for peewee baseball. That was weird, and now I get to see it from another perspective.

I’ll get home late tonight because I’m going to help her get settled in. The week is going by quickly – before you know it it’ll be time to leave for the airport.

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