Don’t Fear The Reaper

We had so many leftovers from the big dinner last night that Kuniko and I didn’t have to make lunches today. That meant that I could sleep in a little bit longer on my birthday. Nice!

At school I was sitting at my desk early, before most of the teachers or students had arrived. One of the students called me over to the door, and wished me a happy birthday in English. I was really surprised – I don’t really advertise my birthday and the student who said it was someone that I don’t speak with that much – we just exchange hello’s in the hallways.

We had a schedule change today, so I had only one class the whole day. That gave me plenty of time to study, and also to think about this weeks lessons. As it happens this will be a really easy week – the teachers are doing last minute preparations for the students before the midterm exams, so they don’t want me hanging around riling up the kids.

I walked by another student, a third year, who had remembered all the way back when I had first started at the school two years ago mentioning that my birthday was today. His birthday is close to mine, so he remembered it well. He gave me a big congratulations, we talked about what it felt like to be 34, and he slapped my ass as he said goodbye and went upstairs.

As for birthday wishes, that’s about it. Nobody else knew and it was nice just to relax and stay under the radar. Tonight Kuniko is going to cook me a birthday dinner – after so many huge meals I’d be happy with just rice and miso soup.

Tomorrow night I’m going to start a once a month private class with three of Miyake sensei’s private students. Tomorrow Mikake sensei will join them for the first session, and then from then on they will come over to learn English conversation once a month. The pay is pretty good, it’s an easy job, and it’ll be fun to teach private students again. This time I don’t have to hike a long ways to get to them – they’ll come to me.

I have a feeling this week is going to fly by quickly…

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