The Fate Of Mankind

Today we had the presentations from my second year students. They’ve been (hopefully) working on an original skit that they would perform in front of the class. We’ve been gradually working up to this over the last 5-6 weeks, so I was looking forward to seeing how they turned out.

Some were really good. They put a lot of effort into the props that they used, but when it came down to memorizing, there were not a lot of successes. There was a unanimous winner, though. Two boys did a skit about an earthman meeting an alien in space. They casually discuss the destruction of the earth, and then they play rock, scissors, paper for the fate of mankind. The human won, and the alien’s last line was “Oh, I lost. Shit!”

One pair of students brought their script up to the stage and didn’t want to surrender it. They said that they hadn’t prepared at all. Way to bomb your midterm grade, girls.

After work we had a teachers meeting, which was interrupted by some loud shouting outside in front of the school. All the teachers ran to the window except a few, including me. Turns out there was some sort of scuffle out there, and the police came by. I don’t know if it involved one of our students or not. I guess I’ll hear all about it tomorrow.

Today after I got home Mikake sensei came over with the three students who want to learn English conversation. I met each one of them, and we all introduced ourselves. It was great that Miyake sensei was there, it was a nice transition for them. I speak some Japanese, but if there was a miscommunication Ms. Miyake could easily jump in and help out. I made a few mistakes with my Japanese, a couple of them intentionally, so hopefully they won’t be afraid of making mistakes in the class. We’ll be meeting once a month, so it should be interesting to see how it goes. Kuniko came home just before they left, so I was able to introduce her and make everyone even more comfortable.

Everything is on the up and up, but the fact remains that there will be three high school girls coming to our place once a month, and there might be times when Kuniko won’t be there. I’m not sure what their parents feel about that, so I wanted to make sure that everything was kosher.

Dinner tonight was shrimp tacos – they turned out great. I went for the baja style, with shredded cabbage and a lime/mayonnaise style sauce. There was just a small amount of mayo, so they turned out pretty healthy, too.

We’re both pooped – I have got to hit the hay. Tomorrow is already Thursday… it’s time to start thinking about the weekend!

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