
It was pretty much an instant-replay of yesterday today. The studies are coming along, I got a chance to plan out the next few weeks, and I got all ready for tomorrow’s big teacher’s meeting.

Kuniko came and got me around 12:30. She took me home and cooked me fried rice for lunch, and so I cooked up some pasta for dinner. I went a little overboard and cooked up italian sausages and garlic bread, too. I loaded the sauce with so many mushrooms it was hard to get a bite of anything without having a mushroom in your mouth. I love mushrooms – what can I say?

We’re staying in tonight… Kuniko has to work tomorrow and then we have a three day weekend. We’ll be doing a trip to Nara with Inoguchi sensei and his wife on Saturday, we’ll have some friends over on Sunday, and then we’ve tentatively scheduled a hike for Monday. Busy, busy! Hopefully there’ll be lots of pictures by the time it’s all over.

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